Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It for Job Seekers in 2022?

Jan 15, 2020 | LinkedIn

A title graphic with an icon of a set of scales, next to an alternate version of the article's title: "Is LinkedIn Premium Career Worth It for Job Seekers in 2020?" above Let's Eat, Grandma's yellow pencil logo.

Is paying for LinkedIn Premium worth it to help you land a job? Read this LinkedIn Premium Career review for a breakdown of its features, pricing, and more considerations before you decide.

By: Ashley Dolar | Resume Writer for Let’s Eat, Grandma

Are you a dedicated LinkedIn user? Checking your feed on a daily basis, making comments, and posting original content? This is a good strategy for networking, building your personal brand, and even finding a job

However, you may be wondering how to take it a step further. Enter LinkedIn Premium

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You might be surprised to find out that not all LinkedIn accounts are created equal. First, there’s LinkedIn Basic, which makes up the majority of LinkedIn profiles. Then there’s a myriad of LinkedIn Premium options, each of which has different benefits and price points. (Yikes!)

At first glance, that can seem overwhelming, but as a job seeker, you really only need to focus on the one called Premium Career. More on that later. 

The Matchup: Premium vs. Basic for Job Seekers

So, what’s the difference between a basic LinkedIn account and the premium version? A basic profile can help you get noticed and get hired by recruiters. It also helps you maintain professional relationships with your contacts. This service is totally free – like most social media platforms. 

On the other hand, LinkedIn Premium comes at a cost. Like I mentioned earlier, if you are looking for a job, you should check out Premium Career when presented with the options. It costs $29.99 per month at the time of this writing, and the first month is usually free. 

Its features include the ability to direct message recruiters and see who has viewed your profile. This can help put you in touch with the right people, right away to land your next job.

Among the more attractive of the LinkedIn Premium features for job seekers is the ability to see data for everyone who has viewed your profile.
It also gives you access to applicant and salary insights, so you can see how you compare to other candidates in the field. For each job you view on the LinkedIn Jobs platform, you’ll be able to see info not only on who else applied, but their education, current job, and more. Data is always useful, and in this case, it can help you close the gaps and steer your job search towards your best opportunities. 

A screenshot of some of the position data available for job seekers with LinkedIn Premium Career.

Just some of the position data available for job seekers with LinkedIn Premium Career.


But, my personal favorite feature is the on-demand video learning. The LinkedIn Learning library is included with a Premium Career membership, and it offers more than 15,000 professional development courses. It’s all online and all on your timeline. 

A screenshot of some of the videos available on LinkedIn Learning, one of the author's favorite features of LinkedIn Premium Career.

As a bonus, it gives you a cover at your current job for suddenly upgrading your account. After all, going the premium route isn’t all about finding a new job – it’s also about career development, which you can easily explain to your current boss.

Here’s the rub though: LinkedIn Premium says that its members get hired at a faster rate than other job seekers. I’m skeptical of this particular statistic because it’s probably a case of correlation rather than causation. 

For example, if you are paying for an upgraded membership, you are probably highly motivated and deeply invested in finding a position quickly. LinkedIn Premium may help you accelerate that process, but it’s likely your determination that ultimately lands the job. 

Making the Call: Will LinkedIn Premium Career Help You Get a Job?

So, what should you do? Is LinkedIn Premium worth it?

If you’re on the fence, I suggest thinking of a LinkedIn Premium account like a membership to an exclusive golf course or country club. Some job searches require that kind of access while for others, it simply isn’t necessary.

However, the 30-day free trial could be a good option to get a head start on your job hunt. While the average job search can last around two months, 30 days of additional data could be valuable for narrowing the field and getting some hot job leads. (Just be sure you cancel in time!)

Whatever you decide to do, an updated LinkedIn account of any level is a necessity in today’s job search. We can help you put together a professional profile that stands out, grabs the attention of recruiters, and leads to your dream job. Contact Let’s Eat, Grandma to get started. 

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